Naming Ceremonies

Many people these days do not regularly follow a religion. The Naming Ceremony is a way to celebrate the birth of your child and to appoint special people to promise to look after the welfare of your child as the child grows up.

I have a variety of introductions, readings, responsibilities of guardians, and naming to help you choose a ceremony that is special to you and your family.

The ceremony normally lasts about 10 minutes, with another 10 minutes needed for signing the certificates. Though there are some serious commitments to be made to the child, normally the ceremony is relaxed and informal and a memorable way to celebrate the birth of a new family member.

I have performed five hundred naming ceremonies over the years, many have been children of couples I have joined together in marriage.

Renewal of Vows Ceremonies

Reaffirmations can be a celebration of a happy marriage of 10, 20, 25 or any other period of marriage. Some couples who become married overseas or in other states of Australia have another ceremony in Perth for their close family and friends who could not be at their ceremony.

I can offer you many suggestions to make this ceremony a day to remember for you both and all of your guests.

If your ceremony was in a Registry Office, or you cannot remember your vows, as with weddings I have many unique readings and vows to make the ceremony special and personalised. Alternatively I could perform the ceremony that you used to become married in the first place.

It is a great way to celebrate years of happy marriage, not only for yourself, but also for your children, grandchildren and maybe great-grandchildren.

Your are more than welcome to come and meet with me to discuss your ceremony.